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Dear Esther: Landmark Edition


Dear Esther: Landmark Edition

When I recently loaded up Dear Esther for the first time and started playing, I couldn't contain the excitement I was feeling. There I was, finally about to experience on of the most controversial and hotly debated games released in modern times. I felt like I was meeting an old friend, while getting to know a stranger. I had questions that needed answering and I was about to find out for myself, just what the hell everyone keeps arguing about.





There are many reasons why the term 'early access' has become a four-letter-word in my world, and I'm sure that many of you will know why. Much like crowd-funding, there's so much potential for good, but we've all seen the mismanagement and failures that give these systems a bad name. Unfortunately, the bad often outweigh the good, even within the same project.
