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The Stillness Of The Wind


The Stillness Of The Wind

Generally speaking, art has the ability to teach us so much about the world and the diversity of human experience, and games are no different. In fact, games offer that special kind of interactivity that allows us to experience the foreign, or the unknown, while putting a little more of ourselves into the subject itself.


Slime Rancher


Slime Rancher

I often ask myself "how much game is enough game?", and I often come up with the same answer. In fact I don't think it's limited to games, but if you're trying to tell a story or deliver an experience, it needs to be as long as it needs to be. Can you make the point within an hour, or over a couple of pages? Maybe you need a rolling epic to clearly provide the perspective needed to appreciate a fable. Either way, I often find myself thinking that a game might have overstayed its welcome in one way or another.


Farming Simulator 19


Farming Simulator 19

Yearly iterative games are nothing new in video game world, where it even seems like the measure of a successful franchise is whether or not it can sustain annual releases or not. However, while being a measure of success, this can also be a curse of limitations and uninspired development. After all, I'm sure we've all played an annual release and wondered what (if anything) has changed since the last time we dove in.


Farming Simulator 17


Farming Simulator 17

As I write this, it feels like every second game that gets released on Steam is some form of survival game. The flavour of the year is battle royale, or at least early access open world games where you need to keep track of a hunger stat or something. Before that it was exclusively zombie games, and before that the dreaded simulator.
