We don't do Thanksgiving in Australia, because… well it's irrelevant here. Although, I do like the idea of taking some time out in the year to actively engage in some positivity and express what we're thankful for. There are so many random circumstances we could all find ourselves in, so let's take a moment to appreciate the good things that have come our way.
However, I'd be a bit thoughtless if I didn't mention that of course the things I'm thankful for are no doubt only applicable to me. There are others in the world with greater challenges and hardships to face, so by acknowledging the good things in my life, I am by no means trying to belittle anyone else.
With that in mind, the first thing I have to be thankful for is something I'm reminded of just about every day. It's never lost on me just how lucky I have been in the lottery of life when it comes to sheer privilege that's beyond anyone's control. I'm super aware that I'm a white, adult, male, Australian, middle-class, human being, which means I automatically manage to avoid a whole lot of discrimination and hardship in life.
Okay so it's a bit weird to say that I'm thankful for that, as it denotes anything else as being lesser, which is so not the case. I suppose I'm thankful that there are a number of unavoidable struggles that I will never encounter thanks to sheer luck. I'm thankful that I can also recognise my own privilege and appreciate just how hard others have it in so many ways. I feel like having this kind of perspective has always served me well in life, so I'm thankful to be in this position.
I'm thankful for my wonderful family, who have always been the centre of life for me. I've never been one of those people with a million friends, simply because I'm not interested. Having a good relationship with my immediate family always fills me with a huge amount of meaning in life. Thus, I'm thankful that they are all healthy and happy in life, and are decent, generous people who will always bring a smile to my face.
On a less corny note, I'm thankful for the fact that I'm in pretty good health, which is more a result of quitting smoking than anything else. It's been about three years since I had a cigarette, and about a year since I had any nicotine. I can't quite express how much this has been a boon to my life, as quitting has been something I've struggled with immensely in the past. I'm thankful that I now take my own health more seriously and have the ability to do something about it for the better.
Another big one is that I am eternally thankful that I have the time and opportunity to focus on projects that feed my soul. Not everyone has the chance to spend days painting and doodling and writing on a silly blog that a couple of hundred people read. It's actually astounding to me to think that I can keep this up and really stay in a creative zone.
There are many other little things I'm thankful for, but I suppose I'm ultimately content with what life has been so far. Of course there are things I would have liked to be different, but I also never believed that perfection exists. We need things to go wrong so that we have a chance to learn and grow as entities in the world.
Thus, I'm thankful for every little thing that's gone wrong along the way. I've made many mistakes in life, but I like to think I've learned from them all in some way. While I'm undoubtedly flawed, I know I've come a long way, so I'm thankful for every step that's been spent to get here.
I hope that everyone out there takes some time out to appreciate the good things in their life, as there's always something. Be thankful for your loved ones, or your solitude if that's what you prefer. Appreciate the food you put in your mouth and the water than quenches your thirst. These things are valuable and fundamental after all… we'd probably do well to recognise them.
Happy holidays!