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Sayonara Wild Hearts


Sayonara Wild Hearts

As time goes on, I find myself being repeatedly surprised at how much I enjoy shorter games that showcase a complete vision. It's happening so much that I really need to start expecting it as the norm, instead of the exception. Gone are the days when a huge open-world epic appeals to me more than a tightly polished experience that hits every nail on the head.


PaRappa The Rapper Remastered


PaRappa The Rapper Remastered

I wasn't going to say anything about this beloved 90s rhythm game for the Playstation, but then it got me thinking about how valuable nostalgia can be. In fact, after playing the train wreck that is the PaRappa The Rapper Remaster, I can only deduce that nostalgia goes a lot further than I had previously given it credit for.


Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days


Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days

For the longest time, any game built on the reputation of some other form of media, tends to make a big old mess of things. Often I suspect it's because some executive decided that they needed a game to sell alongside the release of their next "blockbuster" movie, and rushed one out to cash in. So why would anyone make a game based on a movie that came out 25 years ago? 





Rhythm games are another genre that I've never been all that good at, but love to play. Perhaps it's because I'm a big music fan, but it could just be because Audiosurf is one of the greatest games ever made. However, unlike Audiosurf, most rhythm games are stuck to a rigid progression tied to some average music. There's no better case of an entire genre living and dying by the quality of its soundtrack.


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Sound


Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Sound

Hatsune Miku is a pretty big deal when it comes to virtual Japanese pop stars. I've heard and seen the name mentioned here and there in various forms, but have never known what her deal was. There's that Hatsune Miku VR experience thing that was marketed as a big deal for Playstation VR, and I remember seeing some sort of DDR-like arcade cabinet somewhere on the internet branded with her name. After seeing that there was a free Hatsune Miku game on the PSN store, I figured it was time to find out what's going on once and for all.
