I have made some significant changes:

  • All ‘art’ content has been removed - the blog is ONLY about video games now

  • Thus, I have removed some pages from the top menu, as well as some irrelevant information from the About page and Home page

  • URL has been changed - the old URL atelierarcade.net will remain in tact until it expires in December 2019. Until then all the old links should redirect to the new domain

  • Updated site logo and meta information to reflect the name and content change

  • New email address: hello@abbysblog.net

  • New twitter account: @abbysgamingblog

There are still some more things that need to be changed:

  • Archive links still point to old domain - will updated to new URL so they don’t break when the old domain expires

  • Might change the header images so they are different on each page, but haven’t decided yet

  • I’d like to change the layout of the Archive page, but what to?

  • I’m still waiting on some meta stuff to propagate across the internet, like SEO descriptions etc, but hopefully that will happen within 48hrs

  • Thinking about adding in some useful categories for gaming posts (so you can sort by genre/etc), but probably wont implement it anytime soon as I doubt it would be utilised all that much

I think that’s about it for now.

