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Sunday Sketchbook 54


Sunday Sketchbook 54

Once again I was hoping to accomplish more this week, but there's nothing to change the past. I suppose that's one of the benefits of weekly accountability: whatever it is, it is. I often get frustrated by how tailored the internet can be, especially with social media; so I take a bit of pleasure in keeping things real. Even when they're bad.


Sunday Sketchbook 53


Sunday Sketchbook 53

I actually made myself late with this post, even though I have everything ready to go. I figured it would be nice to change up the header image for year 2, just to set things apart. Turns out that it takes a while to place every doodle I've posted so far onto a single canvas. The outcome's pretty cool though, even if I say so myself.


Sunday Sketchbook 52


Sunday Sketchbook 52

We've finally reached that magic number marking an entire year's worth of entries. Hence,. It's now time to see if anything has been accomplished, and where we're heading in the future. What resolutions can be teased from a proper look into the past.


Sunday Sketchbook 51


Sunday Sketchbook 51

Ooh la la, it's only one week until a full year of weekly doodles passes us by. The best part of any anniversary is if it arrives along with good timing and motivation, which I'm happy to say this one seems to be on track for.


Sunday Sketchbook 50


Sunday Sketchbook 50

I have no images to add this week, for the stupidest reason. Part of it's because I'm away from my office and don't have access to a scanner, while the other is that I don't have great internet access, so uploading graphics is a bit out of the question. Although, I suppose the reality is that I wasn't even going to make a post this week, until it was too late.


Sunday Sketchbook 49


Sunday Sketchbook 49

Part of me feels like launching into a string of nonsensical words and signals to be correct in expression this week. Suffice to say, forming a sentence feels a little odd right now. You know when you repeat a word over and over until it becomes a meaningless collection of letters or sound? Yeah, that's now.


Sunday Sketchbook 48


Sunday Sketchbook 48

There's a saying among creative thinkers that goes something along the lines of "if you only work from within, you will repeat yourself". That's the gist of it anyway, which speaks to the need for external stimulation and inspiration. Of course, I like to take it a little further and apply it to life in general, which ends up justifying the need for diverse perspectives and opinions.


Sunday Sketchbook 47


Sunday Sketchbook 47

Cross my heart - I'm writing this on Sunday, but I know it won't get posted until tomorrow/Monday, as I won't be scanning in any doodles today. To be frank, it's been hot here for the last week and I've had my office fan hooked up and pumping the air around all day. If I want to use my scanner I need to unplug the fan and once again exist in a hot room of still air for a short time, which I'm not willing to do. I'll just back-date it anyway so nobody will ever know…


Sunday Sketchbook 46


Sunday Sketchbook 46

Two weeks into the year and I'm already wondering where all the time has gone. The other day I had something caught in my end, which ended up in some gauze and an eye patch after a visit to the doctor. It got better soon enough, but it's amazing how strange the world seems when you're visual experience of it gets halved.


Sunday Sketchbook 45


Sunday Sketchbook 45

Happiest of brand new years to you all, ladies and gentlemen of the ever present internet. I'm starting the year in a pretty good state of mind, with opportunities ahead and difficulties passed. I probably said it before, but let's avoid the tangents today and take a look at some purely artistic goals for the coming year.


Sunday Sketchbook 44


Sunday Sketchbook 44

Well it's been a couple of weeks since I last checked in, because it's the holiday season and there needs to be some time off every now and then. I hope everyone out there had a great holiday season and managed to enjoy some time out and perhaps even some time in with close friends and family.


Sunday Sketchbook 43


Sunday Sketchbook 43

Another short one this week, as I seem to have contracted my annual sore throat and runny nose. So you know what it's like yeah? Whenever we're sick or busting for the loo, doing anything that requires concentration is practically impossible. It's taken me a few minutes just to punch out this drivel.


Sunday Sketchbook 42


Sunday Sketchbook 42

Ah, the magic number of everything, as taught to us by the great Douglas Adams who showed us all how a different perspective can save the world. In fact, one of the reasons I love science fiction as a genre, is that it always manages to frame the reality we know, as a small part of something greater than we could ever imagine. In some ways it's scary to think of the endless possibilities in existence, but in another way it can be the most liberating feeling to realise just how insignificant you are.


Sunday Sketchbook 41 (doodley dumpy)


Sunday Sketchbook 41 (doodley dumpy)

As much as I dislike the idea of doing another doodle dump, this is basically what's happening. I mean, if I don't say anything then anyone reading this in the future will be completely unaware that I'm posting this a couple of days late. If I hadn't said that, nobody would know.


Sunday Sketchbook 40


Sunday Sketchbook 40

We've almost hit December already, which managed to sneak up a bit sooner than feels necessary. Thankfully though, there are still a bunch of opportunities to try and wrestle some conceptualisation to the ground and beat it into submission.


I Can't Believe It's Not Sunday Sketchbook 38


I Can't Believe It's Not Sunday Sketchbook 38

You know when you face a long week of living, and expect certain things to happen, but they don’t? It's nice to have expectations countered when those expectations are of let downs and disappointment. So let's revel in the fact that the world can still continue to surprise us, no matter how well we think we know what's going on.


Sunday Sketchbook 37


Sunday Sketchbook 37

I'm pleased to report that Inktober was a bit of a success this year, as I managed to do all 31 drawings without many hiccups. Of course, there was a wide range of quality and execution, so the main achievement to be had was fulfilling a prompted drawing every day for a month. I've tried it before, but this is the first time I've made it all the way, which is pretty cool.


Sunday Sketchbook 36


Sunday Sketchbook 36

Let's do something a little different this week and have a look at books instead of the sketches. I've still been drawing a whole lot, but I was putting my books back on their shelf, and I remembered how much I love a good notebook for writing or drawing. So I scanned the ones I have on hand and the doodles can wait until next week.


Sunday Sketchbook 35


Sunday Sketchbook 35

Lately I've been thinking a bit about the difference between sex and violence in our society, but I think I'll save that for next time. Truth is that I just couldn't be bothered right now to get stuck into something that should by all accounts be an obvious assessment of something so ordinary. The world works in messed up ways, which is one way of saying that the world kind of sucks sometimes.
