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Studio Sunday 114: 52+12=64


Studio Sunday 114: 52+12=64

The time has finally come where I can share some more about this large project that I've been working on for almost a year. It's still a little early, but there are a few things happening this week that require the cat to be let out of the bag. While I intend to provide a bunch of details about the project, this is also going to be a bit more candid than most of the public facing details will be. It's a blog after all isn't it?


Studio Sunday 113: Steps


Studio Sunday 113: Steps

I've really been dropping the ball lately when it comes to being a bloggy kind of person. However, there's good reason and I'll be back on track eventually, which I've no doubt mentioned too often already. In the absence of something more interesting to talk about, this week will be about future plans for this thing you're reading.


Studio Sunday 112: The Game


Studio Sunday 112: The Game

Settle in because after missing last week's Sunday, I'm feeling all introspective and there's bound to be a tangent on the horizon. It's going to be a bit messy over the next month or so, until I make some big changed to everything going forward.


Studio Sunday 111: Blocking


Studio Sunday 111: Blocking

Sorry to say that another week has gone by without any gaming posts, and it's entirely because I've been spending so much time on other things. So let's take a little stock, as I have a few thoughts and developments to share.


Studio Sunday 109: Layers


Studio Sunday 109: Layers

This week's entry will be pretty short. I don't have a lot to show for the time and I don't have much to rant on about like usual. Instead I figured I'd just show some before and after shots to illustrate some more of the process.


Studio Sunday 107: Baking Paper


Studio Sunday 107: Baking Paper

This might be a bit of a boring subject to a lot of people, but I find it interesting so we're pressing on. This week I kind of want to talk about working with a lot of large canvases, as I've recently discovered just how much of a pain in the butt it can be. So maybe skip this one if storage and baking paper aren't really your kind of thing.


Sunday Sketchbook 100


Sunday Sketchbook 100

There's still a lot that I want to talk about when the time is right, but we're not quite there yet. I still need to confirm one large part of the project I'm working on before I can really start blabbing. Until then, let's try and talk about some practical painting experiences.


Sunday Sketchbook 98


Sunday Sketchbook 98

I just spent the weekend painting pictures and watching movies. Honestly, I can't think of a better way to completely lose track of time and have so much fun. So far 2019 has been an excellent time, which I'm sure has more to do with perspective than anything else.


Sunday Sketchbook 97


Sunday Sketchbook 97

I'm going to blame the holiday season for my lack of content this week. However, I do have a couple of photos to show y'all, so let's have a look and a chat about that instead.


Sunday Sketchbook 90


Sunday Sketchbook 90

Straight up, there's not a whole lot to show this week, but what I do have is kind of exciting. I didn't doodle much, and what I doodled is really of no consequence, which probably says something given my usual low quality. Anyway, I thought it might be fun to show some paintings instead.


Sunday Sketchbook 60


Sunday Sketchbook 60

I don't think I'll ever stop being surprised at how wonderful a little bit of change can be. Whenever I'm in a funk and can't seem to find my way out, just changing up some simple details can make everything bright again. So it is that this week I have something a little different to show you, after last week's disappointing lack of content.


Sunday Sketchbook 45


Sunday Sketchbook 45

Happiest of brand new years to you all, ladies and gentlemen of the ever present internet. I'm starting the year in a pretty good state of mind, with opportunities ahead and difficulties passed. I probably said it before, but let's avoid the tangents today and take a look at some purely artistic goals for the coming year.
